Hi, I am Magda - a 4D brainstormer aka a researcher, architect and a host of 4D Talks Podcast.
From years of professional experience in multiple cities in Europe I learned, that no matter where you are, architecture is mainly described by its visual qualities, therefore also judged by its look, like a book judged by its cover.
On the other hand we all know, that the built environment has so much to do with human perception and experience, it affects both human and nature behaviour resulting in worsening or improving well being. Sounds like a pretty big deal doesn't it? The impact is self-evident, yet there is still insufficient focus on this area within the current architectural discourse and practice.
So here I am hoping to discover with you the 4th dimension of architecture!
I created 4D Brainstorm as a platform for free brainstorming in all dimensions and fields. Its goal is to expand the perception of architecture and design, to shift the focus from what we see to how we feel in the built environment and last but not least - to share our thoughts and learn from each other.
I am also a host of 4D Talks Podcast - a series of brainstorm sessions about the 4th dimension of architecture - in other words - all the things that architects should consider in their design, but often don’t. In each episode my guests and I discuss how this 4th dimension can influence our experience in the built environment and how we could use it to make better architecture that serves people and improves their life.
As a long term plan I hope to provide a collection of tools for architects to look outside of their 3-dimensional boxes and offer holistic designs, that bring proven physical, economic and social well being to everyone.
Let’s join forces and 4D brainstorm together!
Magda Nalepa

Let’s talk!
If you see an opportunity to collaborate, you are interested to know more about my
projects or simply want to brainstorm together
find me on any social media platform: